Once Was A...

Noor Festival Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Chromogenic print, X-ray, Lightbox

The exhibit “Roads of Arabia: Archaeological Treasures of Saudi Arabia”, which traveled to 13 museums throughout Asia, Europe and United States from 2010 – 2018, presented over 400 rare archeological artifacts unearthed throughout Saudi Arabia, highlighting the Arabian Peninsula’s ancient past and early civilization. Among the notable artifacts were monumental male statues representing monarchs from the Lihyan kingdom.

These sculptures, originally perceived as deity-like objects, inspired the artist to create "Once Was a Ruler." Using photographs of the ancient sculptures from the Roads of Arabia exhibit, the artist overlaid them with medical x-rays, often his own, incorporating human-like features such as teeth and bones. The final portraits were printed on translucent paper and illuminated in light-boxes, capturing the human spirit of the ancient kings who once ruled the Arabian Peninsula.